- have basic knowledge of piping systems
Target audiences
- engineers and techicians
The Intergraph CAESAR II® software helps in ensuring that a plant’s piping system meets the benchmark of international standards and codes. Along with this, it analyzes the accuracy in order to define the analysis model for piping systems. It also assists in accessing & modifying and calculating the stress of piping systems.
ELDEMUZ offers the Intergraph CAESAR II® training course that aims at imparting the knowledge about piping code theory basics, creating input data, sustained and expansion stresses, friction effects, basic stress concept. After getting acquainted with the skills, the candidates will be able to work on the following:
- Modeling of piping systems in CAESAR II
- Supporting of piping systems (support types)
- Basic Stress-Strain Theories
- Theories of failure
- Preparing stress Critical line list
- Spring design & Modeling in CAESAR II
- Support span Calculations
- Model generation, system evaluation, system re-design
Part A
1.Intergraph CAESAR II – Static Pipe Stress Analysis
- Piping code theory basics
- Primary and secondary stresses
- Creating input data
- Design for piping loads
- Modeling of piping systems in CAESAR II
- Editing the model
- Supporting of piping systems (support types)
- Sustained and expansion stresses
- Design code requirements (e.g. B31.3, B31.1)
- Assorted modeling, analysis, and compliance topics:
- Resolution of overstressing due to thermal expansion
- Friction effects
- Adding flexible connections (vessels)
- Assessing equipment allowable loads
- Combining piping systems
- Load case combinations
- Modeling and analysis of a transmission line
- Modeling and analysis of a jacketed riser
- List/edit modeling, jacketed pipe, wind, and hydrodynamic loading
- Static seismic loads
- Analysis documentation and static analysis workshop
- Model generation, system evaluation, system re-design
- Basic Stress Analysis
- Basic stress concept
- Role of Stress Engineer
- Basic Stress Stain Theories
- Basic Engineering concepts required for stress analysis
- Theories of failure
- Concept of stress Range
- Load Cases
- Code Compliance for ASME B31.3
- Different types & functions of Pipe support
- Design system for Sustain, Expansion & Occasional Loading
- Nomograph
- Pipe Rack Loading
- Support span Calculations
- Preparing stress Critical line list
- Stress System formation
- AdvanceD Stress Analysis
- Storage Tank-pump system modeling
- Column-heat exchanger model
- WRC-297 nozzle flexibility
- Theory of load case generation
- PSV force calculation/ Slug force
- Critical Systems viz. : Turbine; Pump; Column, Air Fine Cooler etc
- Spring design & Modeling in CAESAR II
- Pump Calculation API 610
- Equipment Modeling
- Pipe Rack CAESAR II Model
- Column Piping System
Dynamic Analysis in Caesar II
- Introduction-Dynamic Analysis in Caesar II
- Types of Dynamic Analysis
- Static vs Dynamic Analysis
- Dynamic Modal Analysis
- Equivalent Static Slug Flow Analysis
- Dynamic Response Spectrum Analysis
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